YMCA Merstham Pre-School offers high-quality and affordable childcare for children aged 2-5, including free Early Years entitlement places.
Our Merstham Pre-School is situated to the rear of the Merstham Hub, in a light and airy activity room. The outdoor space is well resourced and includes a digging area, mud kitchen and sandpit.
The Pre-School follows the Early Years Foundation Stage framework.
Opening times
YMCA Merstham Pre-School is open term-time (38 weeks per year) during the following times.
Monday to Friday | 08:45-14:45
We also run half-day sessions (minimum of two half-day sessions a week – see below).
Morning | 08:45-11:45 (with optional lunch club session)
Afternoon | 11:45-14:45
Lunch club – an additional lunch club from 11:45-12:45 is available to children booked on a morning half-day session.

2 year olds | £7 per hour
3-4 year olds | £6 per hour
Free Early Years entitlement for 2, 3 & 4 year olds
We welcome those with entitlement to FEET funding. Visit www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/ to find out more and check what funding you are eligible for.
Peace of mind
YMCA East Surrey is a leading provider of under 5’s activities and out of school childcare, priding ourselves on our inclusive practice. All staff undergo an enhanced DBS check and regularly attend courses to update themselves and keep on top of changing policies. We have staff with specific experience in supporting children with a range of disabilities and learning requirements. Staff ratios are 1:4 for 2-3 years olds and 1:8 for 3-5 year olds in pre-school year.
I would highly recommend this preschool. The staff are amazing and my son loves going in every day. It's got such a welcoming feel and nothing is never too much for the staff. My son has come on so much with his speech and is making so many new friends that he comes out of his day always smiling and can't wait to tell everyone what he has done for the day. I love looking at his online journal to see the pictures of all the children having fun.
Contact us
T 01737 643108
E jane.bellenger@ymcaeastsurrey.org.uk
YMCA Merstham Hub Pre-school, 2a-2b, Portland Drive, Merstham, Surrey RH1 3HY