YMCA East Surrey is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all, especially children, young people, and adults at risk. We acknowledge our duty to act appropriately to any allegations, reports, or suspicions of abuse. We work together with service users to develop an ethos that embraces difference and diversity and respects the rights of children, young people, and adults.

Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL)

If you have a safeguarding concern, please contact your Service Manager or one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL):

For additional information, and details of what to do if you have a concern about a member of staff, please refer to YMCA East Surrey’s policy and procedure on Safeguarding Children or Safeguarding Adults

Judith Brooks

Judith Brooks
Head of Children and Young People
T 01737 779979
E judith.brooks@ymcaeastsurrey.org.uk

Stuart Kingsley

Stuart Kingsley
Family Services and Youth Work Manager
T 01737 222859
E stuart.kingsley@ymcaeastsurrey.org.uk

Heather Loxley

Heather Loxley
Safeguarding Trustee
T 01737 779979
E heather.loxley@ymcaeastsurrey.org.uk