Caring for a child with disabilities is emotionally challenging and can be extremely isolating. Parent carers often find themselves struggling through a maze of information and services. Support for parent carers is essential to help them navigate complex systems, access necessary services, develop advocacy skills, and reduce social isolation.

Our Face2Face service provides free support and advice to parent carers by offering one-to-one support focussing on achieving identified outcomes and ensuring parent carers feel empowered to make informed decisions about all aspects of their child’s life.

Parent carers can self-refer to access this service or a professional working with the family can make the referral on their behalf. This service will provide support for a period of 8-10 weeks offering up to 5 meetings. The support will include drawing out a support plan, identifying the key outcomes, sharing of information to empower the parent carers, identifying and help accessing other services if not already involved and any other support as required.

Face2Face also hosts regular coffee mornings, which offer informal opportunities for parent carers to meet each other, exchange information and talk to others who understand their situation. We also offer a regular programme of sessions delivered by professionals, covering topics relevant to parent carers offering vital information and practical advice. These sessions are held in-person or online offering a flexible option to suit different needs.

Drop-in Coffee Mornings

An informal, free get-together and an opportunity for parents/carers to meet each other, exchange information and talk to others who understand.

Friday 9 August | 10:00-11:30 – Summer holiday session – Meet other parent carers, have a chat and a cuppa after drop-off for Yippee & Yip4Youth clubs.

Wednesday 4 September | 10:30-12:30
Wednesday 18 September | 10:30-12:30
Wednesday 2 October | 10:30-12:30
Wednesday 16 October | 10:30-12:30
Wednesday 23 October | 10:30-12:30

Venue: YMCA Sovereign Centre, Slipshatch Road, Reigate RH2 8HA

Summer holiday picnic

Picnic in Priory Park
Friday 23 August | 10:30-12:00
Meet by the Priory Park Café
Bring a picnic after drop-off for Yippee & Yip4Youth clubs and meet other parent carers.

To register your interest for summer holiday sessions, please email or just drop in on the day.

Find out more

At Face2Face, we are committed to providing comprehensive support that helps parent carers feel connected, informed, and empowered, improving quality of life for both children and their families.

To find out more about one-to-one support or to attend either an in-person session or an online session, please contact Sandhya Gulati, Face2Face Coordinator.

T 01737 222859

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