The Y’s Girls mentoring programme matches trained volunteer mentors with girls aged 9-14 from a range of different backgrounds in East Surrey to support them to be their best.

Over a 12 month period, mentors and young people meet for two-hour sessions and work together to identify achievable goals that will empower the mentee and build their resilience, enabling them to lead fulfilling lives and improve their short and long-term mental health and wellbeing. The sessions offer an informal environment with the opportunity to discuss anything that might worry them, from family and personal relationships to lifestyle and education.

An external evaluation conducted by the Centre for Youth Impact found that Y’s Girls is an early and effective intervention that positively impacts six social and emotional learning skills that are indicative of better short and long-term mental health, that it is a young-person-centred and inclusive programme, with a clear relationship between quality and impact.

Would you like to inspire and empower girls in your community as a Y’s Girls mentor?

We are looking for volunteers who are eager to make a difference. As a mentor, you will meet up regularly (once a week) with a young person offering a friendly ear, support and guidance on making positive life choices. You will also build relationships with the young person’s parents/guardians, although the main focus is the young person. Full training will be given and a DBS check will be required (no cost involved). Mentors will work with one young person for a period of 12 months building a good working relationship to support this young person to thrive.

To apply, please email explaining why you are interested in the role and how you meet the criteria.

How can a young person access the Y’s Girls programme?

Contact us for a chance to get involved. We accept referrals from schools, child services, community organisations, parents/carers and directly from girls and young women themselves.

Find out more

To find out more about the Y’s Girls project, please contact Ella Sowton.