12 January 2017

Over the festive period the young people with disabilities who access our new whole day services celebrated with a trip out to the Beehive in Woodhatch. The young people involved in the trip have spent the last term cooking, preparing and serving food to members of the public and so this time they had the opportunity to be waited on.

The last Friday before Christmas our Arts Awards group went to see Cinderella in Panto.

“Oh no they didn’t!”
“Oh yes they did!”

They absolutely loved it. The trip was the final component required for the young people’s Arts Award. They were then asked to critic the performance and talk about how it could be improved. Thanks to the unprecedented uptake of the whole day services we are happy to say that we will be continuing in 2017. Find out more about our Inclusive Activity Days

We are so proud of the young people and the skills that they have learnt this term and will look at building on the skills learnt and introducing new skills.

You can experience our café and sample what is being made by visiting on Thursdays during term time. 
YmmmCA Café